Arrêt le Maistre – 1593

Hercules (Henri IV) vs the Hydra (Catholic League)

Judgment of le Maistre of 1593

ARRÊT du parlement séant à Paris qui annulle tous traités faits ou à faire qui appelleraient au trône de France un prince ou une princesse étrangère, comme contraire à la loi salique et autres fois fondamentales de l’état.

Paris, 28 juin 1593

La cour, sur la remontrance ci-devant faite à la Cour par le procureur général du roi et la matière mise en délibération , ladite cour, toutes les chambres assemblées, n’ayant, comme elle n’a jamais eu, autre intention que de maintenir la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine et l’état et couronne de France, sous la protection d’un bon roi très chrestien, catholique et françois,

A ordonné et ordonne que remontrances seront faites cette après-dînée par maistre Jean Lemaistre président, assisté d’un bon nombre de conseillers en ladite cour, à M. le duc de Mayenne, lieutenant général de l’estat et couronne de France, en la présence des princes et officiers de la couronne, estant à présent en ceste ville, à ce que aucun traité ne se fasse pour transférer la couronne en la main de prince ou princesse estrangers;

Que les lois fondamentales de ce royaume soient gardées et les arrêts donnés par ladite cour pour la déclar ation d’un roi Catholique et français exécutés; et qu’il y ait à employer l’autorité qui lui a été commise pour empescher que sous prétexte de la religion, ne soit transférée en main étrangère contre les lois du royaume ; et pourvoir le plus le plus promptement que faire se pourra au repos on soulagement du peuple, pour l’extrême nécessité en laquelle il est réduit; et néanmoins dés, à présent ladite cour déclare tous traités faits et à faire ci-après pour l’établissement de prince ou princesse étrangers nuls et de mil effet et valeur, comme faits au préjudice de la loi salique et autres lois fondamentales de l’état.


JUDGMENT of the sitting parliament in Paris which annuls all treaties made or to be made which would call to the throne of France a foreign prince or princess, as contrary to the salic law and other fundamental times of the state.

Paris, June 28, 1593

The court, on the above remonstrance made to the Court by the Attorney General of the King and the subject matter of deliberation, said court, all the assembled chambers, having, as it never had, any other intention than to maintain the catholic, apostolic and roman religion and the state and crown of France, under the protection of a good king very Christian, catholic and French,

Ordered and ordered that remonstrances will be made this afternoon by Master Jean Lemaistre President, assisted by a good number of advisers in the said court, to the Duke of Mayenne, Lieutenant General of the State and Crown of France, in the presence of the princes and officers of the crown, now being in this city, that no treaty be made to transfer the crown into the hands of prince or princess foreigners;

That the fundamental laws of this kingdom be kept and the judgments given by the said court for the declaration of a Catholic and French king executed; and that it is necessary to employ the authority which has been committed to him to prevent that, under pretext of religion, be transferred in foreign hands against the laws of the kingdom; and to provide as quickly as possible for rest at the relief of the people, for the extreme necessity in which it is reduced; and yet, at the present time, said court declares all treaties made and to be made hereafter for the establishment of a foreign prince and princess of null effect and value, as done to the prejudice of the Salic law and other fundamental laws of the state.

(Source: François-André Isambert, Decrusy, Alphonse-Honoré Taillandier: Recueil général des anciennes lois françaises . Paris: Belin-Leprieur, 1830. Tome XV, p. 71.)

Historical Background

The French Wars of Religion have raged on for three decades. An estimated 3 million would die in these wars.

Henri III is assassinated in 1589, making Henri IV the nominal King of France. The Catholic League and many of the French refused to acknowledge a Protestant king.

French Catholics attempted to put rival claimants on the French throne. One was Isabella of Spain. The main objection to her is not the fact that she was a woman (women were already barred from the throne) but the fact that she was foreign.

Infanta Isabella of Spain

Henri IV attempts to secure a military victory, but is unable to do so. He announces his intention to convert to Catholicism. After that announcement, the Parlement of Paris issues the above judgment.

The judgment confirms that the king must be both Catholic and French and that the crown cannot pass into foreign hands:

JUDGMENT of the sitting parliament in Paris which annulls all treaties made or to be made which would call to the throne of France a foreign prince or princess, as contrary to the salic law and other fundamental times of the state.